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QuaranTeened- A little update on my life.

Just a quick note to say that I am aware of the upset in the world at the moment and strongly oppose all forms of racism. Please do what you can to show your support- Etsy is supporting black-owned businesses, who sell absolutely beautiful, one of-a-kind products.


Hello. How is your life? I recently discovered overnight oats. They are a miracle. I love them. Now all I have to do in the morning is put a delicious oaty substance into my mouth, drink a cup of tea and I am ready to take on the universe.

I've found that the bombardments of schoolwork come at a fortnightly basis- at the beginning of week 1 it is all dropped like a barrage of worksheets onto my head and the notifications come flooding into my little Chromebook- "Mr Jones has set a new Maths homework! Mrs Smith has set a new History homework!". I struggle through it during the week, and if I am particularly non-procrastinatey then I can finish the last little worksheet on Friday and sit around twiddling my thumbs/doing things I actually enjoy for the majority of week 2. I know I should probably spread it out, but that was not how I rolled at school and it is not how I roll at home. In fact, as I write this, I am in what is called the "Workless limbo" in which my inbox is empty and there is no work for me to do. However, on Monday, I know that the cycle will start again. At least I have some kind of routine.

I bought a sewing machine with my saved-up money. It is a John Lewis Jl110 in Aqua and I have christened it Ethel. The things I have made include a deerstalker hat (of which you can find a tutorial on my Instructables, which you can find in the "Other Stuff" portion of this particular corner of the Internet), a quilt made of hexagons of fabric and several unwearable pieces of clothing. I have had a lot of fun with it and buying a sewing machine was a good investment. I hope to have my own Etsy shop before long- watch this space.

Otherwise, my life has not been particularly interesting. I have been enjoying Seinfeld, rediscovering my love for old books and reading a book about Seinfeld ("Seinfeld, Master of its Domain"). I went on a socially distanced walk with my best friend and I laughed properly for the first time in ages. The government are enforcing people wearing face masks on public transport, so I may supply a few people in my neighbourhood with some sewn ones, as I can now make a face mask within a matter of minutes rather than hours.

So, yeah. That's my life. Advice? Don't enslave yourself. Do things that make you happy. You are going through something that will go down in history books as one of the worst things the Earth has ever experienced, so try not to make it worse for yourself. Do what you can to support other people and just generally continue to be a decent human being.

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